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Wayve’s AI Self-Driving System Is Here to Drive Like a Human and Take On Waymo and Tesla

As I arrive, he's laying out an impressive lunch spread of salads and carved ham and huge blocks of good cheese. There are...

How I’d Learn AI in 2025 (If I Knew Nothing) | by Shaw Talebi | Dec, 2024

Given the wide range of backgrounds interested in AI these days, I’ve tried to make this guide widely accessible. However, no guide can...

Django vs. Flask: Comparing Python web frameworks

Programmers evaluate and adopt frameworks for web development based on a range of criteria that might include thorough documentation, tool integrations, efficient loading...

The Huge and Hidden Value of Proactive IT Management

In his 1850 essay, "That Which Is Seen, and That Which Is Not Seen," economist Frédéric Bastiat imagined a scenario where a boy...

10 ways AI chatbots can help you with holiday tasks – and 30 sample prompts

Happy Holidays! May your coffee be strong and your Wi-Fi signal stronger this season! But the holiday season isn't just...

Human Misuse Will Make Artificial Intelligence More Dangerous

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman expects AGI, or artificial general intelligence—AI that outperforms humans at most tasks—around 2027 or 2028. Elon Musk’s prediction is...