Sentiment Analysis Template: A Complete Data Science Project | by Leo Anello 💡 | Dec, 2024

10 essential steps, from data exploration to model deployment.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Do you know the complete structure of a Data Science project, from start to finish? If not, don’t worry — you’re in the right place.

This guide will walk you through a hands-on example of sentiment analysis in user reviews, breaking down the fundamental structure of a typical Data Science project step by step.

This template provides a clear framework, covering everything from problem definition to deployment and documentation while integrating practical machine learning techniques for sentiment analysis.

As a practical example, we’ll work with the Large Movie Review Dataset, a widely recognized resource for binary sentiment classification.

By following along, you’ll gain both the technical expertise and practical understanding needed to execute impactful Data Science projects.

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